NAACP Youth Council

Bringing Student Voices Forward

Who are We?

The NAACP Youth Council is a Seattle-based organization that advocates for racial equity and sensitivity policies in the Seattle Public School System. We were founded in 2017, with the goal of bringing youth voices into discussions on issues that affect them. We now represent over ten high schools in Washington State, with our members representing many ethnicities across those schools.

Our Demands

Support of the BLM Movement

Last year, the Seattle Public School System publicly declared support of the BLM movement on a temporary basis. We want this declaration to be made permanent.

Expansion of Ethnic Studies

We believe that students of color are underrepresented in their curriculums and want more inclusive courses.

Increasing the Voice of Youth, Especially Youth of Color

Our organization was founded so that youth would be able to express their opinions on issues that affect them. We want to continue to have a voice in our education.

Rainier Beach Renovation

Rainier Beach High School has not been renovated since 1959, and this is absolutely unacceptable. We demand that this school be brought up to modern standards.

Increased Access to Opportunities and Mental Health Services

Many youth of privilege have access to connections that lead to opportunities. Not all students have these connections so to be equitable, we must prioritize bringing such opportunities to youth of color. 

Overhaul Discipline Practices

Discipline practices that negatively impact students of color have plagued the district for decades now, funneling students into the school-to-prison pipeline. We believe that instead of focusing on discipline, the district needs to connect students in need with support, case managers, and mentors.

Mandatory Staff Training on Issues of Race and Equity

Ignorance is a large issue among the staff in our school communities. We believe that mandatory sensitivity training will not only better the lives of our students, but the lives of our staff as well.

Hiring and Retaining More Staff of Color

We want our student body to feel represented by their authority figures. Students of color deserve teachers of color.

See Us in Action!

NAACP Youth Coalition
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